Reduction of the total cost by 25% with HiPLE-ACE®

Carton specifications:HiPLE-ACE® (Standard carton) / Category:Paper / textile / machinery parts

  • Reduction of the cost of packaging materials
    Reduction of the cost of packaging materials
  • Light weight
    Light weight
  • Shorter work time
    Shorter work time
  • Safety of operators
    Safety of operators

Customer’s requirement

Reduction of the cost of packaging materials and improvement of packing efficiency

  1. Because packing and unpacking of wooden cases require professional knowledge and skill, it cannot be handled by yourself. Wooded side plates can be turned into paper, by utilizing HiPLE-ACE® and HiPLE Nail. The palette required for the transport of a long box can be made with HiPLE-ACE® according to the outer size.
  2. It takes time to pack and unpack wooden cases.
  3. Need to reduce the cost of packaging materials for wooden cases

Our proposal

Long wooden cases are turned into all paper cartons by introducing HiPLE-ACE®

After the packaging materials are turned into paper, the cost of packaging materials is reduced, the time needed to pack and unpack is shortened, and the safety of operators is also improved.

Improved packaging specifications with HiPLE-ACE®
Improved packaging specifications with HiPLE-ACE®
The wooden side plates are all turned into paper by combining HiPLE-ACE® and HiPLE Nail.


The wooden side plates are all turned into paper by combining HiPLE-ACE® and HiPLE Nail.

The palette which is indispensable when carrying the long box is made out of HiPLE-ACE® designed to fit the outer size of the packed carton box.


The palette which is indispensable when carrying the long box is made out of HiPLE-ACE® designed to fit the outer size of the packed carton box.


Improved workability of packing and reduced cost of the packaging materials

Tare weight
Tare weight Tare weight
Packing time (2 operators)
Packing time (2 operators) Packing time (2 operators)
Total cost
Total cost Total cost

Merit of HiPLE-ACE®

  • Reduction of the cost of packaging materials
    Reduction of the cost of packaging materials
  • Light weight
    Light weight
  • Shorter work time
    Shorter work time
  • Safety of operators
    Safety of operators

We offer you the total solution program to support the perfect trouble shooting
for your packaging, packing or shipping of heavy-duty items.